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Saturday, February 1, 2025 8:00PM


Hershey Felder: Rachmaninoff and the Tsar - Audio Described


Music by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Book by HERSHEY FELDER

Sergei Rachmaninoff ’s music is beloved the world over, from his infamous Prelude to the glorious Second Piano Concerto. Leaving Russia during the 1917 Revolution, he eventually made his home in the U.S., never forgetting the homeland he loved as a young man. In his first ever “two-hander,” Hershey Felder brings the composer to life, joined by British-Italian Jonathan Silvestri as Tsar Nicholas II. They weave the haunting story of the Romanoff family, and the maestro’s relationships with them, into a mystical journey reminiscent of Hershey’s celebrations of Irving Berlin, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, George Gershwin, and Debussy.

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