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Sunday, April 20, 2025 2:00PM


The Heart Sellers - Open Captioned and Mask Required


By Lloyd Suh, Directed by Jennifer Chang

Watergate. Soul Train. Thanksgiving. And a frozen turkey. It’s 1973, shortly after the Hart-Celler Act abolishes immigration quotas in America and two immigrants, one Filipino, one Korean, meet by chance, strangers in a strange land. Pulitzer Prize finalist Lloyd Suh tells the funny, deeply moving story of two isolated women sharing friendship and dreams as they navigate the backroads of the American Dream. Filled with heart and humor, this timely, touching play explores the paths we take to make a new home.


Please note: Due to MVCPA safety railing, rows AA and BB may have obstructed view.  

Additional note: This is an Open Captioned performance. Captioning will be located in the front right orchestra. This is also a Mask Required performance. Masks must be worn at all times in the theatre.

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